A Little Business, A Little Personal, All Britta

Britta’s Brainthoughts

Welcome to the blog—where a photographer's life meets a dash of chaos and a boatload of caffeine. It’s part behind-the-scenes scoop, part 'here’s what I wish I’d known,' and 100% real talk about navigating the biz while pretending to have it all together. (Spoiler: I don’t.)

Brand Session Lessons
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Brand Session Lessons

In early February, just a day shy of my 42nd birthday, I did something that felt both necessary and terrifying: I let someone photograph me for my business.

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The Year of the Fox
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

The Year of the Fox

On the very first day back at work after the holidays, I was greeted by a pair of foxes. It’s still a bit of the wild west around my building—landscaping is unfinished, and the area isn’t fully developed yet. I see wildlife daily—deer, crows, the occasional jackrabbit.

But foxes? So close to the door?

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Lessons Learned
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Lessons Learned

December was a nice cap to a nice year. As I closed out my work in mid-month, I had this amazing sense of complete security in my business. I can’t recall ever having that feeling so wholeheartedly. And, you guys, it feels nice.

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One Thousand and One
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

One Thousand and One

I used to feel bad, like a failure, when someone didn’t like my photography. For many years, I thought I had to be everything to everyone. But as my style developed and my confidence grew, I realized it was an impossible expectation for everyone to like everything I produced.

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The Hunt
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

The Hunt

While photographing an event a couple of weeks ago, I realized how deeply photography feels like hunting. Capturing a moment, an expression, a glimpse of the human experience—it all taps into that primal instinct, and it’s the core of what I love about this work.

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What’s in my Kit (2024 Version)
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

What’s in my Kit (2024 Version)

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to be in a room with a gaggle of photographers, you know we can’t shut up about gear. And, of course, we don’t! These are the tools of our trade, and without a bunch of this stuff, we couldn’t do what we love.

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Ready (or Not) for Routine
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Ready (or Not) for Routine

It was inevitable—summer had to end. It always seems like it's going to last longer than it does, but like everything in life, it flies by too fast. With the kids starting school last week, I find myself once again in the familiar role of enforcing routines, a role that comes with both relief and resistance.

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A Second Home
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

A Second Home

My office, bright and comfy with a faint citrus smell of whatever reed diffuser I decided to get last month from Target, feels nice. The room, by no means, is instagram-perfect. It’s often messy, cluttered with orphaned cameras and lens caps, unopened mail and coffee mugs.

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Summer in Swing
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Summer in Swing

Quite honestly, writing this series has been a fun, pain-in-the-butt experience. It’s been good for me to have a task that’s not in my normal wheelhouse, and whether or not these musings are valuable to y’all, I know that they act like a nice little timeline for both my work and my mindset.

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Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad


The other day, one of my clients dubbed this month "Maytober." Between the end of school and the first few glorious weeks with great weather (and no bugs), this lovely spring month is always busy for everyone.

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Plant, Nurture, Grow
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Plant, Nurture, Grow

Boom! Like that, it’s the end of April. Where did the month go? I think I’m going to ahead and blame our streak of warm days which put me in a summer-like trance. Now, I spend all my spare time making plans and trying really, really hard not to book too many weekends out of town. After all, there is gardening to do.

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Beginner’s Mind
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Beginner’s Mind

When I was a wide-eyed newbie, back even before the days of Instagram, I had a love of setting little photo challenges for myself. This once involved blocking the screen of my digital camera for an entire week, just to see if I could make images without instant feedback (hey! I could!)

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Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad


Earlier this month, I celebrated my 41st birthday—just one more than forty (not that I’m keeping track). Truth be told, stepping into this new decade has been an emotional challenge for me.

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So fresh and So Clean, Clean
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

So fresh and So Clean, Clean

I’ve always cherished the beginning of the year for its freshness and renewal. Twelve years ago this month, I launched Britta the Photographer, and nearly every year since, I've introduced something new into my business at the start of the year.

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Spinning Plates
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Spinning Plates

Today, charged with a bunch of autumn squirrel energy, I thought it was a great time to pick up the communication plate to share some studio details and let you know what's happening with Britta in Business.

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Waiting is the Hardest Part
Studio Borealis Britta Trygstad Studio Borealis Britta Trygstad

Waiting is the Hardest Part

As followers of the Britta in Business blog likely already know, I’m currently in the process of building a new studio in south Fargo. As expected, our long winter has caused a bit of a delay in the construction. Pending any surprises (knocking on wood SO HARD right now), it looks like I'll be closing towards the later part of June.

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New Era Rising
Studio Borealis Britta Trygstad Studio Borealis Britta Trygstad

New Era Rising

Big leaps are scary... like wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night, I-need-a-pep-talk, maybe-check-your-pulse scary. And sometimes, especially at first, there is a little troll in your head always questioning: Is this the right move? What will this look like for your business and your family? Who do you think you are, anyway?

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End of an Era
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

End of an Era

I handed in the keys to my Moorhead studio today. It was a bittersweet end to a significant chapter of my story as Britta the Photographer. For the last couple of weeks, my emotions have been all over the place, processing the end of this era of my business and welcoming what’s to come.

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Big Ol’ Studio Update
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Big Ol’ Studio Update

As you may already know, my current studio is set to be on the chopping block as Moorhead makes way for the 11th Street Underpass. As the last holdout in my building, I will finally be booted out in late February.

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Things I’ve Learned as a creative business owner
Britta Trygstad Britta Trygstad

Things I’ve Learned as a creative business owner

Before I even started my business, I made it a point to chat with a bunch of savvy business owners. I asked them about the things they’d learned, what they wish they would have known and any advice they had for a newbie.

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