Brand Session Lessons

In early February, just a day shy of my 42nd birthday, I did something that felt both necessary and terrifying: I let someone photograph me for my business.

Getting photographed by Abby Anderson in my happy place. Photo by Studio Freshly.

Over the years, I have occasionally traded headshots with other photographers, but for the most part, I have always taken my own. Being a photographer means putting yourself out there whether you like it or not. And, since my name is literally in my business, it would feel strange not to show up. But if I am being honest, I have always had a complicated relationship with branding myself. I know it is important, but I have also wrestled with the idea that it might be wrapped up in my own ego and sense of identity. If I am not a photographer, then who am I?

At the same time, I admire when others show up authentically in their brand presence. I encourage it in my clients, so it was time to take my own advice. My business brain told me to just go for it.

Luckily, my photographer pals Abby Anderson and Morgan Allora (Studio Freshly) were on board. Morgan and I photographed Abby in late 2024, and seeing how she used those images made me think I should probably do this for myself.

So why did I do the brand session, and what did I get out of it?

Special thanks to my amazing niece Alicia Hauff who served as my “client” during the session. Photo by Abby Anderson.

For starters, I wanted photos of myself at work, interacting naturally, which is nearly impossible to do with a tripod and a timer. I have lost count of how many times I have tried to take my own headshots, hoping to capture something natural, only to end up looking stiff and robotic. If you were a fly on the wall watching the whole fiasco, me running back and forth between my spot and the camera, fake laughing along the way, you would be in tears from laughing. And considering my whole approach to photography is about making people feel natural, comfortable, and genuine, it felt a little ironic that I struggled to do the same for myself.

I also needed content. Website, social media, marketing—I wanted a library of images to pull from without scrambling last minute. It is easy to tell other people how important this is, but I finally had to take my own advice.

Then there was the experience itself. I wanted to know what it actually felt like to be on the other side of the camera. Turns out, I had all the same nerves my clients do—overthinking everything, second-guessing what to wear, hoping I would like how I looked. But I also learned how much smoother things go when you have a clear idea of where and how you will use the photos. Thinking through different scenarios in advance made all the difference.

Most importantly, I had to let go and trust the process. I chose Abby and Morgan because I knew they would do an amazing job, but even so, there was a moment when I hit my limit. I could feel my energy dropping, and it made me hyper-aware of what my own clients go through. Knowing when someone is reaching that point is something I will be even more mindful of moving forward.

In the end, I am so glad I did it. It pushed me outside my comfort zone, gave me valuable content, and reminded me what it is like to be in front of the camera. If you are on the fence about doing a brand session, consider this your sign to go for it. Just maybe do not try to DIY it with a tripod. Trust me on that one.

February: Slow no more?

Traditionally, February has been one of my slower months. We here in the upper, upper midwest tend to hibernate this time of the year, so I’ve become used to the slower pace in mid-winter. But, as my services have switched from doing more work for individuals to doing most of my work for businesses, I’ve noticed a little change in the pace of my work in these so-called slow months.
Febraury 2025 was pretty active. I found myself in Bismarck twice, had a few companies in for busy headshot days and filled the rest of the time with an array of my offerings. Oh, and, of course, editing. It’s important to keep the train going. Sure, I didn’t give myself much of a chance to work on marketing and other business things (I was particularly quiet on social media), but I was happy with the pace and flow of the month and look forward to seeing if this is a longterm trend, or just one of those months.

Stuff I can’t Stop Thinking About

My New Camera Bag

I have been searching for a new medium-sized camera bag. The one I had been using for day-to-day work was simply too small for the larger zoom lenses I have incorporated into my routine (I went from shooting with tiny prime lenses to much bigger zooms). Meanwhile, my workhorse rolling bag is not practical to bring everywhere.

I looked into a few brands but ultimately decided that the brand you know is better than the brand you don’t. Both of the bags I have used the longest are from Think Tank, so naturally, I went with the Think Tank Retrospective 15 Backpack. I wanted something that felt like a bag I would use all the time while still offering the protection and functionality of a traditional camera bag. This one fits perfectly. I also knew it was a safe bet because my other Think Tank bags have lasted forever, surviving all sorts of photo adventures.

Bonus? I found a gently used one on Poshmark! My thrifty heart is happy. And I love this new bag! I have even added some enamel pins to make it feel more like my everyday, running-around backpack. Which brings me to the second thing I can’t stop thinking about…

How to Keep Enamel Pins from Falling Off

Thanks to the internet, I now know the best way to keep enamel pins from falling off your backpack, jacket, or anything else: super glue! Just put a small drop of glue where the pin meets the backing, and it will stay put. If I ever want to remove them, a quick twist with pliers should do the trick. The key is not to use too much glue, just enough to secure it without making a mess. Works like a charm!

Total Drag (Record Store) - Sioux Falls

I had my annual pilgrimage to meet some friends in Sioux Falls (it’s the halfway point for our friend group) and once again went to the delightful record store Total Drag. Such a great shopping experience and I came away with a few records (one by Of Montreal and another by Khruangbin) that were decently priced and in excellent condition. Plus, the owner seems SUPER great, 10/10 would recommend.

Plant of the Month: Margaret “Peggy” Pothos

Margaret always hated her name, so she’s gone by Peggy ever since she landed at Studio Borealis.

She’s been the star of many a headshot, and she continues to spread her leaves, reaching new and exciting places.

Recently, she’s been chatting with her sister Penelope about expanding to higher, loftier spaces to showcase her long, glorious tendrils. Bu

but for now, she waits patiently by the sofa, soaking in all the awe (and sunshine) that comes her way.

Ten Snaps from February

And, as always, to end the post, here are ten images taken in February - work or otherwise.

1: Graham and Ellis being adorable during their Swift (kiddo) Shoot. 2: UnStuffy Content for The Study. 3: Jill and Jakelle of Ronald McDonald House Charities accepting $10,000 donation from Gate City Bank during Giving Hearts Day. 4: Environmental Portrait of Jeff Weiler photographed for an alum feature for Northern State University (South Dakota). 5: Interoffice on-location shoot in Bismarck. 6: It’s a Part of… UnSutffy team Session. 7: Updated brand images of photographer Samantha Turner in her beautiful Fargo studio. 8: UnStuffy Content for Lake Regional Healthcare in Fergus Falls. 9: UnStuffy Heashot of Parker. 10: UnStuffy Content for Hairology, Fargo.


The Year of the Fox