Summer Location Suggestions

Did you know Midwesterners are the happiest in the summer? This is a fact I just made up, but it has to be true. Here in the upper, upper, midwest, our summer lasts about 2.3 seconds. That said, with the spring-like weather we’ve been having lately, I honestly can’t tell you what month it is. All I know is that it’s green outside, the flowers smell amazing and I’m ready to soak up as much vitamin D (a.k.a. The happy vitamin),  as humanly possible between now and September.

Summer is also my favorite season to photograph kiddos and their families. Sure, spring is beautiful with all it’s blossoming goodness. Yes, autumn is charming with the cooler temps and the changing colors. And winter, well, we won’t mention that season here.  


But summer... summer is fun. It’s happy. It’s busy in the “I’m busy relaxing” type way.  It’s the time of year we make the longest lasting memories because it’s the time of year we are so thankful to have. I also believe that it’s the best time of the year for laid-back, fun portrait sessions that refuse to be stuffy, overly planned or perfectly posed. Just a family, making memories and getting documented in the process.

In the spirit of warm temps and long days, I’ve put together a little list of a few fabulous locations where I’d love to photograph your laid-back family this summer.


Neighborhood Park

Grab your pic-in-nic basket, your doggo and a kite and let’s head to the park for a laid back afternoon of exploration. With endless trails to explore along the river, beautiful green spaces to kick the ball around and fun playgrounds, our local parks are generally a people pleaser with the whole family.


I love the lake. You love the lake. We all love the lake. For many of us, we are happiest when we spend the afternoon fishing off the dock or building giant sand castles on the beach. There is no other way to do a photo session at the lake than to wholly embrace summer and all our favorite lake activities: pontoon rides, swimming, eating potato salad and enjoying a bonfire at dusk.


State Park

Buffalo River State Park is just a hop, skip and a jump from Fargo and Maplewood State Park is not that much farther away. There is SO MUCH to do in these beautiful locations in the summer from swimming at the beach, taking a long hike or even documenting part of your camping experience (s’more anyone?).  

The Zoo

Nothing says summer quite like spending the afternoon at the zoo. Personally, I’m a big fan of the otter exhibit at our local zoo, but there are so many other areas to explore.   

Downtown, Baby

Okay, okay, okay… I know right now downtown Fargo is a disaster zone of construction. It’s true. But, I still believe it’s a great place for a fun summer session. Think bright colors, fun urban adventures, street art, roller skates and (most importantly) ice cream.


Want to plan a fun summer lifestyle session? Get in touch!


Tips for Photographing your Kiddos at Home


What to wear to your Family Portrait Session